Sapporo congratulations

We actually won a Sapporo Beer Sweepstakes

I’ve never won anything before in my life, which sounds a bit sad, but true. Even chance raffles, I’ve never gotten anything better than a pack of tissues or some candies.

Here in Japan, you’ll often find campaigns or sweepstakes run by large companies. It’s a good way to entice customers to buy their products. Other places you may encounter raffles are at events. When we went to the Autumn Festival at Hirosaki Castle, there was a simple Q&A scavenger hunt/raffle, and another at the 2018 Mochi Summit. Remember when the “The Incredibles 2” came out? There was a scavenger event for that too.

And guess what we won every time? Hint: tissues and stickers.

But as luck would have it, that misery streak has ended. Because, ladies and gents, Honey and I actually won something from the Sapporo Beer Sweepstakes.

Sapporo Gift Box

One day, we were just doing our regular grocery shopping when we saw that 6-pack was on sale. We grabbed it, went home, and noticed they were doing a campaign.

On the inside of the cardboard box was a postcard and small circles for you to place the stickers found on their beer cans. For each beer you drink, 1 sticker you get. The more stickers, the higher chance you have to win something. Simple.

Honey finished off the 6-pack eventually and we mailed in the 6 stickers we had, thinking nothing of it. But then, a month later, we received an email, then a package.

Sapporo congratulations


We won!!! On the Sapporo website, they had a wide selection of prizes to choose from, and somehow we had gotten one.

Or in our case, two stainless pints by Bruno, a well-known cookware brand, to keep our future beverages nice and cool.
Gift box with cups

Many beer brands often run this kind of sweepstakes. Recently, our pack of Asahi was doing the same.
Sapporo beer cup

But this was probably the least effort we’ve put into a sweepstakes or raffle, yet the reward was the biggest. Perhaps it serves as a moral lesson. You get something when you least expect it.

-Waifu ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

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