
‘Because I’m Waifu’ was started in June 2018 by an almost-NEET after much encouragement from her Honey.   Though originally just a means to fill out more of her day, author こまち (Koma-chi, nickname meaning “town beauty”) uses this platform to iron out the obstacles she faces and highlight the beauty of living in a country very different from her own.

From the US to Japan

こまち always knew that she would visit Japan someday, due to her interest in the East Asian country’s rich history and vast sub-cultures. With one university year’s worth of Japanese language class in her tool belt, she expected to settle down with an average-paying job and save up vacation days for an eventual trip to Japan. Little did she know, fate, if you believe it, had something else in mind.


In summer of 2017, こまち met her ハニー (Honey) while  he was finishing up his one-year abroad program as a PhD student. They bonded over warm greetings, delicious food, and a mutual curiosity and respect for one another’s cultures. He shocked her with his lack of Disney movie knowledge, she poked fun at his little language slip-ups, and overall the two sighed in the comfort of each other’s company.

When ハニー returned to Japan, こまち followed months after to break in her very first solo international flight and trip to Japan. Eleven hours and one layover later, she pulled at the collar of her layered sweaters in the too-warm conditions of Tokyo Haneda Airport, eager to get through Customs and begin her first Japan adventure. Soon after, she was riding the Shinkansen high-speed bullet train toward Morioka, Iwate.

View from Hiraizumi shrine.
The birth of ‘Because I’m Waifu’

June 11, 2018: After battling against a food coma from lots of cheap ramen and gyoza,m, マイハニー (My honey), and I were sprawled out on the bed watching random Youtube videos when we came to a hastily made decision. That I should start this blog because, let’s face it, I’m just centimetres shy of being a NEET and have way too much time on my hands.

When she’s not binge-watching Netflix/anime, reading manga, eating, cooking, or performing domestic chores, こまち is fiercely searching for a fitting アルバイト (arubaito, part-time job) and enjoying life with her honey.

So why not blog about it?

To which こまち says, “Welcome to our corner of the world!

-Waifu ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ