Reimen from Pyon Pyon Sya, Morioka

Reimen (れいめん): the lesser-known cold noodle dish of Iwate, Japan

With summer approaching and humidity blanketing the land, there is no better meal than some cold noodles to cool down. Japan is home to a number of these dishes such as soba, somen, udon, jyajan-men, and the lesser-known reimen (冷麺). While I'd heard of and tasted the others before, reimen was a whole new experience, and … Continue reading Reimen (れいめん): the lesser-known cold noodle dish of Iwate, Japan

Vending machines in Japan

9 Most Common Types of Vending Machines in Japan

As if having convenience stores or コンビニ (conbini) on every other block wasn't already, well, convenient enough, Japan has blessed their residents with various types of vending machines to make their lives easier. Here are the 9 types we've come across from most to least common, each unique enough to spark this blogger's interest: 1. … Continue reading 9 Most Common Types of Vending Machines in Japan